/* global wpforms_builder, wpforms_builder_stripe */ // noinspection ES6ConvertVarToLetConst /** * Stripe builder function. * * @since 1.8.2 */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var WPFormsStripe = window.WPFormsStripe || ( function( document, window, $ ) { /** * Public functions and properties. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @type {Object} */ const app = { /** * Start the engine. * * @since 1.8.2 */ init() { $( app.ready ); }, /** * Initialized once the DOM is fully loaded. * * @since 1.8.2 */ ready() { if ( ! app.isLegacySettings() ) { return; } app.settingsDisplay(); app.settingsConditions(); app.bindUIActions(); }, /** * Process various events as a response to UI interactions. * * @since 1.8.2 */ bindUIActions() { $( document ) .on( 'wpformsFieldDelete', app.disableNotifications ) .on( 'wpformsSaved', app.requiredFieldsCheck ) .on( 'wpformsFieldUpdate', app.settingsDisplay ) .on( 'wpformsFieldUpdate', app.settingsConditions ); }, /** * Toggles visibility of the Stripe settings. * * If a credit card field has been added, then reveal the settings. * Otherwise, hide them. * * @since 1.8.2 */ settingsDisplay() { const $alert = $( '#wpforms-stripe-credit-card-alert' ); const $content = $( '#stripe-provider' ); // Check if any Credit Card fields were added to the form. const ccFieldsAdded = wpforms_builder_stripe.field_slugs.filter( function( fieldSlug ) { const $el = $( '.wpforms-field-option-' + fieldSlug ); return $el.length ? $el : null; } ); if ( ccFieldsAdded.length ) { $alert.hide(); $content.find( '#wpforms-stripe-new-interface-alert, .wpforms-stripe-notice-info, .wpforms-panel-field, .wpforms-conditional-block-panel, h2' ).show(); } else { $alert.show(); $content.find( '#wpforms-stripe-new-interface-alert, .wpforms-stripe-notice-info, .wpforms-panel-field, .wpforms-conditional-block-panel, h2' ).hide(); $content.find( '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-enable' ).prop( 'checked', false ); } }, /** * Toggles the visibility of the related settings. * * @since 1.8.2 */ settingsConditions() { $( '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-enable' ).conditions( { conditions: { element: '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-enable', type: 'checked', operator: 'is', }, actions: { if: { element: '.wpforms-panel-content-section-stripe-body', action: 'show', }, else: { element: '.wpforms-panel-content-section-stripe-body', action: 'hide', }, }, effect: 'appear', } ); $( '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-enable' ).conditions( { conditions: { element: '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-enable', type: 'checked', operator: 'is', }, actions: { if: { element: '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-period-wrap,#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-conditional_logic-wrap,#wpforms-conditional-groups-payments-stripe-recurring,#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-email-wrap,#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-name-wrap', action: 'show', }, else: { element: '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-period-wrap,#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-conditional_logic-wrap,#wpforms-conditional-groups-payments-stripe-recurring,#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-email-wrap,#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-name-wrap', action: 'hide', }, }, effect: 'appear', } ); }, /** * On form save notify users about required fields. * * @since 1.8.2 */ requiredFieldsCheck() { if ( ! $( '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-enable' ).is( ':checked' ) || ! $( '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-enable' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { return; } if ( $( '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-recurring-email' ).val() ) { return; } $.alert( { title: wpforms_builder.heads_up, content: wpforms_builder.stripe_recurring_email, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_builder.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], }, }, } ); }, /** * Disable notifications. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {number} id Field ID. * @param {string} type Field type. */ disableNotifications( e, id, type ) { if ( ! wpforms_builder_stripe.field_slugs.includes( type ) ) { return; } const $notificationWrap = $( '.wpforms-panel-content-section-notifications [id*="-stripe-wrap"]' ); $notificationWrap.find( 'input[id*="-stripe"]' ).prop( 'checked', false ); $notificationWrap.addClass( 'wpforms-hidden' ); }, /** * Determine is legacy settings is loaded. * * @since 1.8.4 * * @return {boolean} True is legacy settings loaded. */ isLegacySettings() { return $( '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-enable' ).length; }, }; // Provide access to public functions/properties. return app; }( document, window, jQuery ) ); // Initialize. WPFormsStripe.init(); /*! elementor - v3.24.0 - 15-10-2024 */ (()=>{var e={38003:e=>{"use strict";e.exports=wp.i18n},78983:e=>{e.exports=function _classCallCheck(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},42081:(e,t,r)=>{var o=r(74040);function _defineProperties(e,t){for(var r=0;r{var o=r(74040);e.exports=function _defineProperty(e,t,r){return(t=o(t))in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:r,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=r,e},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},73203:e=>{e.exports=function _interopRequireDefault(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},56027:(e,t,r)=>{var o=r(7501).default;e.exports=function toPrimitive(e,t){if("object"!=o(e)||!e)return e;var r=e[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(void 0!==r){var i=r.call(e,t||"default");if("object"!=o(i))return i;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return("string"===t?String:Number)(e)},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},74040:(e,t,r)=>{var o=r(7501).default,i=r(56027);e.exports=function toPropertyKey(e){var t=i(e,"string");return"symbol"==o(t)?t:String(t)},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports},7501:e=>{function _typeof(t){return e.exports=_typeof="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e},e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports,_typeof(t)}e.exports=_typeof,e.exports.__esModule=!0,e.exports.default=e.exports}},t={};function __webpack_require__(r){var o=t[r];if(void 0!==o)return o.exports;var i=t[r]={exports:{}};return e[r](i,i.exports,__webpack_require__),i.exports}(()=>{"use strict";var e=__webpack_require__(38003).__,t=__webpack_require__(73203),r=t(__webpack_require__(78983)),o=t(__webpack_require__(42081)),i=t(__webpack_require__(93231)),n=function(){function Admin(){(0,r.default)(this,Admin),(0,i.default)(this,"KIT_DATA_KEY","elementor-kit-data"),(0,i.default)(this,"cachedKitData",void 0),(0,i.default)(this,"revertButton",void 0),(0,i.default)(this,"activeKitName",void 0),this.activeKitName=this.getActiveKitName(),this.revertButton=document.getElementById("elementor-import-export__revert_kit"),this.revertButton&&(this.revertButton.addEventListener("click",this.onRevertButtonClick.bind(this)),this.maybeAddRevertBtnMargin()),this.maybeShowReferrerKitDialog()}return(0,o.default)(Admin,[{key:"maybeAddRevertBtnMargin",value:function maybeAddRevertBtnMargin(){new URLSearchParams(this.revertButton.href).get("referrer_kit")&&(this.revertButton.style.marginBottom=this.calculateMargin(),this.scrollToBottom())}},{key:"calculateMargin",value:function calculateMargin(){var 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URLSearchParams(this.revertButton.href).get("referrer_kit");this.saveToCache(null!=e?e:""),location.href=this.revertButton.href}},{key:"maybeShowReferrerKitDialog",value:function maybeShowReferrerKitDialog(){var t=this.getDataFromCache().referrerKitId;if(void 0!==t){if(0===t.length)return this.createKitDeletedWidget({message:e("Try a different Kit or build your site from scratch.","elementor"),strings:{confirm:e("OK","elementor"),cancel:e("Kit Library","elementor")},onCancel:function onCancel(){location.href=elementorImportExport.appUrl}}),void this.clearCache();this.createKitDeletedWidget({message:e("You're ready to apply a new Kit!","elementor"),strings:{confirm:e("Continue to new Kit","elementor"),cancel:e("Close","elementor")},onConfirm:function onConfirm(){location.href=elementorImportExport.appUrl+"/preview/"+t}}),this.clearCache()}}},{key:"createKitDeletedWidget",value:function createKitDeletedWidget(t){var r=this.getDataFromCache().activeKitName;elementorCommon.dialogsManager.createWidget("confirm",{id:"e-revert-kit-deleted-dialog",headerMessage:e("%s was successfully deleted","elementor").replace("%s",r),message:t.message,strings:{confirm:t.strings.confirm,cancel:t.strings.cancel},onConfirm:t.onConfirm,onCancel:t.onCancel}).show()}},{key:"getActiveKitName",value:function getActiveKitName(){var t=elementorImportExport.lastImportedSession;return t.kit_title?t.kit_title:t.kit_name?this.convertNameToTitle(t.kit_name):e("Your Kit","elementor")}},{key:"convertNameToTitle",value:function convertNameToTitle(e){return e.split(/[-_]+/).map((function(e){return e[0].toUpperCase()+e.substring(1)})).join(" ")}},{key:"saveToCache",value:function saveToCache(e){sessionStorage.setItem(this.KIT_DATA_KEY,JSON.stringify({referrerKitId:e,activeKitName:this.activeKitName}))}},{key:"getDataFromCache",value:function getDataFromCache(){var e;if(this.cachedKitData)return this.cachedKitData;try{this.cachedKitData=JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(this.KIT_DATA_KEY))}catch(e){return{}}return null!==(e=this.cachedKitData)&&void 0!==e?e:{}}},{key:"clearCache",value:function clearCache(){sessionStorage.removeItem(this.KIT_DATA_KEY)}}]),Admin}();window.addEventListener("load",(function(){new n}))})()})();@import "../start"; @import "modal-common"; @import "deactivation-feedback"; @import "subscription-cancellation"; @import "license-activation"; @import "user-change"; @import "data-debug-mode"; @import "multisite-options"; @import "license-key-resend"; @import "email-address-update"; @import "ajax-loader"; @import "auto-install"; @import "buttons";/* global wpforms_builder, wpforms_addons, wpf */ /** * @param strings.calculation_notice_text * @param strings.calculation_notice_text_grp * @param strings.calculation_notice_tooltip * @param strings.cant_switch_to_rows_alert * @param strings.cl_notice_text * @param strings.cl_notice_text_grp * @param strings.move_to_rows_rejected_alert * @param strings.not_allowed * @param strings.not_allowed_alert_text * @param strings.not_allowed_fields * @param strings.rows_limit_max * @param wpforms_builder.repeater.fields_mapping.title * @param wpforms_builder.repeater.fields_mapping.content * @param wpforms_builder.repeater.addons_requirements * @param wpforms_builder.repeater.wpforms_builder.repeater.addons_requirements_alert */ // noinspection ES6ConvertVarToLetConst /** * Form Builder Field Repeater module. * * @since 1.8.9 */ var WPForms = window.WPForms || {}; // eslint-disable-line no-var WPForms.Admin = WPForms.Admin || {}; WPForms.Admin.Builder = WPForms.Admin.Builder || {}; WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldRepeater = WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldRepeater || ( function( document, window, $ ) { /** * Localized Repeater field strings. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @type {Object} */ const strings = wpforms_builder.repeater; /** * Elements holder. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @type {Object} */ let el = {}; /** * Runtime variables. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @type {Object} */ const vars = {}; /** * Public functions and properties. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @type {Object} */ const app = { /** * Start the engine. * * @since 1.8.9 */ init() { $( app.ready ); }, /** * DOM is fully loaded. * * @since 1.8.9 */ ready() { app.setup(); app.hooks(); app.events(); }, /** * Setup. Prepare some variables. * * @since 1.8.9 */ setup() { // Cache DOM elements. el = { $builder: $( '#wpforms-builder' ), }; }, /** * Init all the Repeater fields. * * @since 1.8.9 */ initFields() { el.$builder.find( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).each( function() { const $field = $( this ); const fieldId = $field.data( 'field-id' ); app.adjustRowsAppearance( fieldId ); } ); }, /** * Hooks. * * @since 1.8.9 */ hooks() { // Determine if we could add a field to the column. wp.hooks.addFilter( 'wpforms.LayoutField.isFieldAllowedDragInColumn', 'wpforms/field-repeater', app.filterIsFieldAllowedDragInColumn ); wp.hooks.addFilter( 'wpforms.LayoutField.isFieldAllowedInColumn', 'wpforms/field-repeater', app.filterIsFieldAllowedInColumn ); // Update alert message modal options when the field is not allowed to be added to the column. wp.hooks.addFilter( 'wpforms.LayoutField.fieldMoveRejectedModalOptions', 'wpforms/field-repeater', app.filterFieldMoveRejectedModalOptions ); // Filter fields in the CL fields dropdown. wp.hooks.addFilter( 'wpforms.ConditionalLogicCore.BeforeRemoveUnsupportedFields', 'wpforms/field-repeater', app.removeRepeaterFieldsAndChildren ); }, /** * Bind events. * * @since 1.8.9 */ events() { el.$builder .on( 'click', '.wpforms-field-option-row-display input', app.handleDisplayClick ) .on( 'change', '.wpforms-field-option-row-display input', app.handleDisplayChange ) .on( 'change', '.wpforms-field-option-row-preset input', app.handlePresetChange ) .on( 'change', '.wpforms-field-option-row-button-type select', app.handleButtonTypeChange ) .on( 'input', '.wpforms-field-option-row-label input', app.handleFieldLabelChange ) .on( 'input', '.wpforms-field-option-row-button-labels input', app.handleButtonLabelsChange ) .on( 'change', '.wpforms-field-option-row-rows-limit input', app.handleRowsLimitChange ) .on( 'wpformsLayoutAfterPresetChange', app.handleAfterPresetChange ) .on( 'wpformsLayoutAfterHeightBalance', app.handleAfterHeightBalance ) .on( 'wpformsFieldAdd', app.handleFieldAdd ) .on( 'wpformsFieldDelete', app.handleFieldDelete ) .on( 'wpformsFieldMoveRejected', app.handleFieldMoveRejected ) .on( 'wpformsFieldDuplicated', app.handleFieldDuplicated ) .on( 'wpformsBuilderReady', app.initFields ) .on( 'wpformsFieldOptionTabToggle', app.handleFieldOptionTabToggle ) .on( 'wpformsFieldMove', app.handleFieldMove ) .on( 'change', '.wpforms-field-option-layout .wpforms-field-option-row-conditional_logic input', app.handleUpdateFieldCLOption ); $( window ) .on( 'resize', _.debounce( app.handleWindowResize, 50 ) ); }, /** * Fields mapping notice. * * @since 1.9.1 * * @param {string} fieldId Field ID. */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function fieldsMappingNotice( fieldId ) { /** * Check if the field is mapped to the select. * * @param {string} selectedFieldID Selected field ID. * * @return {boolean} True if the field is mapped. */ function isFieldMappedToSelect( selectedFieldID ) { return parseInt( selectedFieldID, 10 ) === parseInt( fieldId, 10 ); } /** * Get the section title. * * @param {Object} $select Field map select element. * * @return {string} Section title. */ function getSectionTitle( $select ) { return $select.closest( '.wpforms-panel-content-section' ).find( '.wpforms-panel-content-section-title' )[ 0 ].firstChild.nodeValue.trim(); } /** * Show the confirmation dialog. * * @param {string} sectionTitle Section title. * @param {Object} $field Field element. */ function showConfirmationDialog( sectionTitle, $field ) { el.$builder.on( 'wpformsBeforeFieldMapSelectUpdate', ( e ) => e.preventDefault() ); $.confirm( { title: wpforms_builder.repeater.fields_mapping.title, content: wpforms_builder.repeater.fields_mapping.content.replace( '%s', sectionTitle ), icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_builder.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: () => { el.$builder.off( 'wpformsBeforeFieldMapSelectUpdate' ); const fields = wpf.getFields( false, true, false, false ); $( document ).trigger( 'wpformsFieldUpdate', [ fields ] ); }, }, cancel: { text: wpforms_builder.cancel, action: () => { WPForms.Admin.Builder.DragFields.revertMoveFieldToColumn( $field ); WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout.removeFieldFromColumns( $field.data( 'field-id' ) ); app.initFields(); }, }, }, } ); } /** * Check and handle the field mapping. * * @param {Object} $field Field element. */ function checkAndHandleFieldMapping( $field ) { const data = { sections: [], $field: null, }; // Check if the field is mapped to the select. $( 'select[data-field-map-allowed], select.wpforms-builder-provider-connection-field-value' ).each( function() { const $select = $( this ); if ( isFieldMappedToSelect( $select.val() ) ) { data.sections.push( getSectionTitle( $select ) ); data.$field = $field; } } ); if ( data.$field ) { const sectionTitle = [ ...new Set( data.sections ) ].join( ' ' + wpforms_builder.repeater.fields_mapping.and + ' ' ); showConfirmationDialog( sectionTitle, data.$field ); } } /** * Check if the field is inside the repeater and show the notice. */ function showNotice() { const $field = $( '#wpforms-field-' + fieldId ); if ( ! $field.length || $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-repeater' ) || $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-layout' ) ) { return; } if ( ! $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).length ) { return; } checkAndHandleFieldMapping( $field ); } showNotice(); }, /** * Display click event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @return {boolean} Whether the change is allowed. */ handleDisplayClick() { const $input = $( this ); const display = $input.val(); if ( display !== 'rows' ) { return true; } const fieldId = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field-option-repeater' ).data( 'field-id' ); const columnsData = WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout.getFieldColumnsData( fieldId ); const allowRows = columnsData.every( ( column ) => { return column?.fields?.length <= 1; } ); if ( ! allowRows ) { // Display alert. app.errorModal( strings.not_allowed, strings.cant_switch_to_rows_alert ); return false; } return true; }, /** * Display change event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 */ handleDisplayChange() { const $input = $( this ); const display = $input.val(); const $fieldOptions = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field-option-repeater' ); const fieldId = $fieldOptions.data( 'field-id' ); const $fieldPreview = $( '#wpforms-field-' + fieldId ); const buttonType = $fieldOptions.find( '.wpforms-field-option-row-button-type select' ).val(); // Show/hide button type and labels options. $fieldOptions .find( '.wpforms-field-option-row-button-type' ) .toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', display === 'rows' ); $fieldOptions .find( '.wpforms-field-option-row-button-labels' ) .toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', display === 'rows' || buttonType === 'icons' ); // Change field preview class according to selected Display value. $fieldPreview .find( '.wpforms-field-layout-columns' ) .toggleClass( 'wpforms-layout-display-rows', display === 'rows' ) .toggleClass( 'wpforms-layout-display-blocks', display === 'blocks' ); if ( display === 'blocks' ) { $fieldPreview.find( '.wpforms-layout-column-placeholder' ).css( 'top', '' ); } // Show/hide blocks' buttons on the field preview. $fieldPreview .find( '.wpforms-field-repeater-display-rows-buttons' ) .toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', display !== 'rows' ); // Show/hide rows' buttons on the field preview. $fieldPreview .find( '.wpforms-field-repeater-display-blocks-buttons' ) .toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', display !== 'blocks' ); app.adjustRowsAppearance( fieldId ); }, /** * Preset change event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 */ handlePresetChange() { const $input = $( this ); const preset = $input.val(); const $fieldOptions = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field-option-repeater' ); $fieldOptions .find( '.wpforms-field-option-row-size' ) .toggleClass( 'wpforms-disabled', preset !== '100' ); }, /** * After preset change event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Event} e Event object. * @param {Object} data Event data. */ handleAfterPresetChange( e, data ) { const $fieldPreview = $( '#wpforms-field-' + data.fieldId ); const display = $( `#wpforms-field-option-row-${ data.fieldId }-display input:checked` ).val(); const rowsButtons = wp.template( 'wpforms-repeater-field-display-rows-buttons-template' ); const classHidden = display === 'rows' ? '' : 'wpforms-hidden'; $fieldPreview .find( '.wpforms-field-layout-columns' ) .append( rowsButtons( { class: classHidden } ) ); app.adjustRowsAppearance( data.fieldId ); }, /** * Button Type change event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 */ handleButtonTypeChange() { const $input = $( this ); const buttonType = $input.val(); const $fieldOptions = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field-option-repeater' ); const $fieldPreview = $( '#wpforms-field-' + $fieldOptions.data( 'field-id' ) ); $fieldOptions .find( '.wpforms-field-option-row-button-labels' ) .toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', buttonType === 'icons' ); $fieldPreview .find( '.wpforms-field-repeater-display-blocks-buttons' ) .attr( 'data-button-type', buttonType ); }, /** * Field Label change event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 */ handleFieldLabelChange() { const $input = $( this ); const $fieldOptions = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field-option-repeater' ); const fieldId = $fieldOptions.data( 'field-id' ); app.adjustRowsAppearance( fieldId ); }, /** * Window resize event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 */ handleWindowResize() { el.$builder.find( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).each( function() { app.adjustRowsAppearance( $( this ).data( 'field-id' ) ); } ); }, /** * Button Labels change event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 */ handleButtonLabelsChange() { const $input = $( this ); const $fieldOptions = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field-option-repeater' ); const fieldId = $fieldOptions.data( 'field-id' ); const $fieldPreview = $( '#wpforms-field-' + fieldId ); const buttonLabel = $input.val(); const button = $input.attr( 'class' ); $fieldPreview .find( `.wpforms-field-repeater-display-blocks-buttons-${ button } span` ) .text( buttonLabel ); }, /** * Rows Limit change event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 */ handleRowsLimitChange() { const $input = $( this ); const limit = $input.attr( 'class' ); if ( limit === 'rows-limit-min' ) { app.normalizeLimitMin( $input ); } else { app.normalizeLimitMax( $input ); } // Round the value after normalization. $input.val( Math.round( $input.val() ) ); }, /** * Normalize Rows Limit Minimum value. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {jQuery} $input Limit Minimum input element. */ normalizeLimitMin( $input ) { const value = $input.val(); const valueMin = parseInt( value, 10 ) || 0; // Minimal acceptable value of Minimum is 1. if ( value === '' || valueMin < 1 ) { $input.val( 1 ); return; } const $inputMax = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field-option-row-rows-limit' ).find( 'input.rows-limit-max' ); const valueMax = parseInt( $inputMax.val(), 10 ); // The Minimum value should be less than the Maximum value. if ( valueMax <= valueMin ) { $input.val( valueMax - 1 ); } }, /** * Normalize Rows Limit Maximum value. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {jQuery} $input Limit Maximum input element. */ normalizeLimitMax( $input ) { const value = $input.val(); const $inputMin = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field-option-row-rows-limit' ).find( 'input.rows-limit-min' ); const valueMin = parseInt( $inputMin.val(), 10 ); // The default Maximum value is relative to the Minimum. // When the Minimum is 1, the Maximum should be 10. if ( value === '' ) { const diff = valueMin === 1 ? 9 : 10; $input.val( valueMin + diff ); return; } const valueMax = parseInt( value, 10 ); // The Maximum value should be greater than the Minimum value. if ( valueMax <= valueMin ) { $input.val( valueMin + 1 ); return; } // Attempt to set enormous maximum value. Limit it to 200. if ( valueMax > strings.rows_limit_max ) { $input.val( strings.rows_limit_max ); } }, /** * After height balance event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Event} e Event object. * @param {Object} data Event data. */ handleAfterHeightBalance( e, data ) { if ( ! data?.$rows ) { return; } const fieldId = data.$rows.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).data( 'field-id' ); if ( ! fieldId ) { return; } app.adjustRowsAppearance( fieldId ); }, /** * Field add handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Event} e Event object. * @param {string} fieldID Field ID. * @param {string} fieldType Field type. */ handleFieldAdd( e, fieldID, fieldType ) { if ( ! fieldID || ! fieldType ) { return; } const $fieldPreview = $( '#wpforms-field-' + fieldID ); const $repeaterField = $fieldPreview.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ); if ( $repeaterField.length === 0 ) { return; } app.adjustRowsAppearance( $repeaterField.data( 'field-id' ) ); }, /** * Field delete event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {string} fieldID Field ID. * @param {string} fieldType Field type. * @param {jQuery} $fieldLayoutWrapper Field layout wrapper. */ handleFieldDelete( e, fieldID, fieldType, $fieldLayoutWrapper ) { if ( $fieldLayoutWrapper.length === 0 ) { return; } const $repeaterField = $fieldLayoutWrapper.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ); app.adjustRowsAppearance( $repeaterField.data( 'field-id' ) ); }, /** * Field move rejected handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Event} e Event object. * @param {jQuery} $field Field element. */ handleFieldMoveRejected( e, $field ) { app.adjustRowsAppearance( $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).data( 'field-id' ) ); }, /** * The `wpformsFieldDuplicated` event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Event} e Event. * @param {number} fieldId Field ID. * @param {jQuery} $field Field object. * @param {number} newFieldId New field ID. * @param {jQuery} $newField New field object. */ handleFieldDuplicated( e, fieldId, $field, newFieldId, $newField ) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars // Run for the Repeater field only. if ( $field.data( 'field-type' ) !== 'repeater' ) { return; } const display = $( `#wpforms-field-option-${ fieldId } .wpforms-field-option-row-display input:checked` ).val(); // Set the Display option for the duplicated field. $( `#wpforms-field-option-${ newFieldId }-display-${ display }` ).prop( 'checked', true ); // Adjust rows appearance after field duplication. app.adjustRowsAppearance( newFieldId ); }, /** * The `wpformsFieldOptionTabToggle` event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Event} e Event. * @param {number} fieldId Field id. */ handleFieldOptionTabToggle( e, fieldId ) { app.updateFieldCLOption( fieldId ); app.updateFieldCalculationOption( fieldId ); app.updateFieldGeolocationRequirementsAlerts( fieldId ); app.updateFieldSignatureRequirementsAlerts( fieldId ); }, /** * The `wpformsFieldMove` event handler. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {Object} ui UI object. */ handleFieldMove( e, ui ) { const fieldId = ui.item.first().data( 'field-id' ); app.updateFieldCLOption( fieldId ); app.updateFieldCalculationOption( fieldId ); app.updateFieldGeolocationRequirementsAlerts( fieldId ); app.updateFieldSignatureRequirementsAlerts( fieldId ); app.fieldsMappingNotice( fieldId ); }, /** * Update the Conditional Logic field option. * * @since 1.9.0 */ handleUpdateFieldCLOption() { const $this = $( this ); const fieldID = $this.parents( '.wpforms-field-option-row' ).data( 'field-id' ); const $field = $( `#wpforms-field-${ fieldID }` ); if ( ! $field.length ) { return; } $field.find( '.wpforms-field' ).each( function() { app.updateFieldCLOption( $( this ).data( 'field-id' ) ); } ); }, /** * Update the Geolocation field option. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {number|string} fieldId Field ID. */ updateFieldGeolocationRequirementsAlerts( fieldId ) { const $field = $( `#wpforms-field-${ fieldId }` ); if ( ! $field?.length || $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-repeater' ) || app.isInsideRepeaterAddonAllowed( 'wpforms-geolocation' ) || ( typeof wpforms_addons !== 'undefined' && wpforms_addons[ 'wpforms-geolocation' ] ) ) { return; } const isFieldInRepeater = $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).length > 0; const $fieldOptionToggleRow = $( `#wpforms-field-option-row-${ fieldId }-enable_address_autocomplete` ); let $fieldOptionNotice = $fieldOptionToggleRow.siblings( '.wpforms-alert-field-requirements' ); if ( ! $fieldOptionNotice.length ) { $fieldOptionNotice = $( wpforms_builder.repeater.addons_requirements_alert[ 'wpforms-geolocation' ] ); $fieldOptionToggleRow.before( $fieldOptionNotice ); } $fieldOptionNotice.toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', ! isFieldInRepeater ); }, /** * Update the Signature field. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {number|string} fieldId Field ID. */ updateFieldSignatureRequirementsAlerts( fieldId ) { const $field = $( `#wpforms-field-${ fieldId }` ); if ( ! $field?.length || $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-repeater' ) || app.isInsideRepeaterAddonAllowed( 'wpforms-signatures' ) ) { return; } const isFieldInRepeater = $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).length > 0; const $fieldOptionToggleRow = $( `.wpforms-field-option-signature #wpforms-field-option-row-${ fieldId }-label` ); let $fieldOptionNotice = $fieldOptionToggleRow.siblings( '.wpforms-alert-field-requirements' ); if ( ! $fieldOptionNotice.length ) { $fieldOptionNotice = $( wpforms_builder.repeater.addons_requirements_alert[ 'wpforms-signatures' ] ); $fieldOptionToggleRow.before( $fieldOptionNotice ); } $fieldOptionNotice.toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', ! isFieldInRepeater ); }, /** * Check if the addon is allowed inside the repeater. * * @param {string} slug Addon slug. * * @return {boolean} True if the addon is allowed. */ isInsideRepeaterAddonAllowed( slug ) { return wpforms_builder.repeater.addons_requirements[ slug ]; }, /** * Update the Calculation field option. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {number|string} fieldId Field ID. */ updateFieldCalculationOption( fieldId ) { const $field = $( `#wpforms-field-${ fieldId }` ); if ( ! $field?.length || $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-repeater' ) || ( typeof wpforms_addons !== 'undefined' && wpforms_addons[ 'wpforms-calculations' ] ) ) { return; } const isFieldInRepeater = $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).length > 0; const $fieldOptionToggleRow = $( `#wpforms-field-option-row-${ fieldId }-calculation_is_enabled` ); const $fieldOptionToggleInput = $fieldOptionToggleRow.find( 'input' ); let $fieldOptionNotice = $fieldOptionToggleRow.siblings( '.wpforms-notice-field-calculation_is_enabled' ); // Add "Calculation is disabled" notice. if ( ! $fieldOptionNotice.length ) { $fieldOptionNotice = $( `

${ strings.calculation_notice_text }

` ); $fieldOptionToggleRow.before( $fieldOptionNotice ); } // Notice text. $fieldOptionNotice.find( 'p' ).text( $fieldOptionToggleInput.prop( 'checked' ) ? strings.calculation_notice_text_grp : strings.calculation_notice_text ); if ( isFieldInRepeater ) { $fieldOptionToggleInput.prop( 'checked', false ).trigger( 'change' ); } $fieldOptionToggleRow.toggleClass( 'wpforms-disabled', isFieldInRepeater ); $fieldOptionNotice.toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', ! isFieldInRepeater ); }, /** * Update the Conditional Logic field option. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {number|string} fieldId Field ID. */ updateFieldCLOption( fieldId ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity const $field = $( `#wpforms-field-${ fieldId }` ); if ( ! $field?.length || $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-repeater' ) || $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-layout' ) ) { return; } const isFieldInRepeater = $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ).length > 0; let isFieldInLayout = $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-layout' ).length > 0; const $fieldCLOptionRow = $( `#wpforms-field-option-row-${ fieldId }-conditional_logic` ); const $fieldCLBlock = $fieldCLOptionRow.closest( '.wpforms-conditional-block' ); const parentBlockType = isFieldInRepeater ? 'repeater' : 'layout'; if ( isFieldInLayout && ! app.isLayoutCLEnabled( $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-layout' ) ) ) { isFieldInLayout = false; } let $fieldCLOptionNotice = $fieldCLBlock.siblings( '.wpforms-notice-field-conditional_logic' ); // Add "Conditional Logic is disabled" notice. if ( ! $fieldCLOptionNotice.length ) { $fieldCLOptionNotice = $( `

${ wpforms_builder[ parentBlockType ].cl_notice_text }

` ); $fieldCLBlock.before( $fieldCLOptionNotice ); } const $fieldCLOptionToggle = $fieldCLOptionRow.find( '.wpforms-toggle-control' ); const $fieldCLOptionToggleInput = $fieldCLOptionToggle.find( 'input' ); // Disable Conditional Logic when moved inside the Repeater field. if ( isFieldInRepeater || isFieldInLayout ) { $fieldCLOptionToggleInput.prop( 'checked', false ); } // Enable the Conditional Logic if it exists when moved outside the Repeater field. if ( ! isFieldInRepeater && ! isFieldInLayout && ! $fieldCLOptionToggleInput.is( ':checked' ) ) { const hasCLGroups = $fieldCLOptionRow.siblings( '.wpforms-conditional-groups' ).length; $fieldCLOptionToggleInput.prop( 'checked', hasCLGroups ); } const isCLHasGroups = $fieldCLBlock.find( '.wpforms-conditional-groups' ).length; // Notice text. $fieldCLOptionNotice.find( 'p' ).text( isCLHasGroups ? wpforms_builder[ parentBlockType ].cl_notice_text_grp : wpforms_builder[ parentBlockType ].cl_notice_text ); // Toggle disabled state and notice visibility. $fieldCLBlock.toggleClass( 'wpforms-disabled', isFieldInRepeater || isFieldInLayout ); $fieldCLOptionNotice.toggleClass( 'wpforms-hidden', ! isFieldInRepeater && ! isFieldInLayout ); }, /** * Is the Conditional Logic enabled for the Layout field. * * @since 1.9.0 * * @param {jQuery} $field Layout field. * * @return {boolean} Whether the Conditional Logic is enabled. */ isLayoutCLEnabled( $field ) { const fieldId = $field.data( 'field-id' ); const $fieldCLOptionRow = $( `#wpforms-field-option-row-${ fieldId }-conditional_logic` ); const $fieldCLOptionToggle = $fieldCLOptionRow.find( '.wpforms-toggle-control' ); const $fieldCLOptionToggleInput = $fieldCLOptionToggle.find( 'input' ); return $fieldCLOptionToggleInput.is( ':checked' ); }, /** * Adjust rows appearance: buttons container position, column placeholder visibility. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {number|string} fieldId Field ID. */ adjustRowsAppearance( fieldId ) { const $fieldPreview = $( '#wpforms-field-' + fieldId + '.wpforms-field-repeater' ); if ( ! $fieldPreview.length ) { return; } const display = $( `#wpforms-field-option-row-${ fieldId }-display input:checked` ).val(); const $columns = $fieldPreview.find( '.wpforms-layout-column' ); const $rowsButtons = $fieldPreview.find( '.wpforms-field-repeater-display-rows-buttons' ); let inputTopMin = 0; $columns.each( function() { // eslint-disable-line complexity const $column = $( this ); const $field = $column.find( '.wpforms-field' ).first(); const $alert = $column.find( '.wpforms-alert' ); // Toggle column placeholder visibility. $column.toggleClass( 'hide-placeholder', ( $field.length > 0 || $alert.length > 0 ) && display === 'rows' ); // Column without fields shouldn't affect `inputTopMin`. if ( ! $field.length && ! $alert.length ) { return; } let inputTop = $field.find( '.label-title' ).height() || 0; // Determine the top position if there is alert in the column. inputTop = $alert.length > 0 ? ( $alert.height() / 2 ) - ( $rowsButtons.height() / 2 ) - 4 : inputTop; // Determine minimum input's top position in a row. inputTopMin = inputTop < inputTopMin || inputTopMin === 0 ? inputTop : inputTopMin; } ); const labelHeight = $fieldPreview.find( '> .label-title' ).outerHeight() || 20; const fieldTop = labelHeight + 30; $fieldPreview .find( '.wpforms-field-layout-columns' ) .css( 'margin-top', '-' + fieldTop + 'px' ) .find( '.wpforms-layout-column' ) .css( { 'padding-top': fieldTop, 'min-height' : fieldTop + 55, } ); // Update the row buttons' position only if the columns have no drag placeholder (blue rectangle). if ( $columns.find( '.wpforms-field-drag-placeholder' ).length === 0 ) { const $columnPlaceholder = $fieldPreview.find( '.wpforms-layout-display-rows .wpforms-layout-column-placeholder' ); const top = inputTopMin !== 0 ? inputTopMin + labelHeight + 47 : labelHeight + 16; $rowsButtons.css( 'top', top ); $columnPlaceholder.css( 'top', top + 14 ); } // Row with all hidden placeholders shouldn't have extra bottom padding. const $hiddenPlaceholders = $fieldPreview.find( '.wpforms-layout-column.hide-placeholder' ); const $row = $fieldPreview.find( '.wpforms-field-layout-columns' ); $row.toggleClass( 'hidden-placeholders', $hiddenPlaceholders.length === $columns.length ); }, /** * Filter whether the field is allowed in column. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {boolean|string} isFieldAllowed Whether the field is allowed to be placed in the column. * @param {string} fieldType Field type. * @param {jQuery} $targetColumn Target column element. * * @return {boolean|string} Whether the field is allowed. */ filterIsFieldAllowedDragInColumn( isFieldAllowed, fieldType, $targetColumn ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity vars.fieldMoveToRowsRejected = false; vars.fieldTypeRejected = ! isFieldAllowed ? fieldType : false; // Skip if the field is not allowed OR the target is not a column, return the original value. if ( ! isFieldAllowed || ! $targetColumn?.length || ! $targetColumn?.hasClass( 'wpforms-layout-column' ) ) { return isFieldAllowed; } const $repeaterField = $targetColumn?.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ); if ( ! $repeaterField?.length ) { return isFieldAllowed; } const repeaterFieldId = $repeaterField.data( 'field-id' ); const display = $( `#wpforms-field-option-row-${ repeaterFieldId }-display input:checked` ).val(); // Allow adding many fields. Skip if the display is not `rows`. if ( display !== 'rows' ) { return isFieldAllowed; } // Allow adding one field. The column doesn't contain fields. if ( ! $targetColumn.find( '.wpforms-field:not(.wpforms-field-dragging)' ).length ) { return isFieldAllowed; } vars.fieldMoveToRowsRejected = true; // Disallow adding field if the column already contains some field. return false; }, /** * Filter the field move rejected alert modal options. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Object} modalOptions Field move rejected alert modal options. * @param {jQuery} $field Field element object. * @param {Object} ui Sortable ui object. * @param {jQuery} $targetColumn Target column element. * * @return {Object} Updated the field move rejected alert modal options. */ filterFieldMoveRejectedModalOptions( modalOptions, $field, ui, $targetColumn ) { const $repeaterField = $targetColumn?.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ); if ( ! $repeaterField?.length ) { return modalOptions; } const updatedModalOptions = { title: strings.not_allowed, content: strings.move_to_rows_rejected_alert, type: 'orange', }; // The field is rejected by type, return the message for the Repeater field. if ( vars.fieldTypeRejected ) { const name = $( `#wpforms-add-fields-${ vars.fieldTypeRejected }` ).text(); updatedModalOptions.content = strings.not_allowed_alert_text.replace( /%s/g, `${ name }` ); return updatedModalOptions; } // The field move to rows is not rejected, return original message. if ( ! vars.fieldMoveToRowsRejected ) { return modalOptions; } updatedModalOptions.content = strings.move_to_rows_rejected_alert; // The field move to rows is rejected, return the message for the Repeater field. return updatedModalOptions; }, /** * Remove the repeater field and its child fields from the fields' data. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {Object} fields Fields data. * * @return {Object} Filtered list of fields. */ removeRepeaterFieldsAndChildren( fields ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity if ( ! fields ) { return {}; } for ( const key in fields ) { if ( fields[ key ].type !== 'repeater' ) { continue; } const columns = fields[ key ][ 'columns-json' ]; // Remove the Repeater itself. delete fields[ key ]; if ( ! columns.length ) { continue; } // Remove all child fields. for ( const col of columns ) { if ( ! col.fields?.length ) { continue; } for ( const colField of col.fields ) { delete fields[ colField ]; } } } return fields; }, /** * Display error modal. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {string} title Title. * @param {string} message Message text. */ errorModal( title, message ) { $.confirm( { title, content: message, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_builder.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], }, }, } ); }, /** * Whether the field type is allowed to be in column. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {string} fieldType Field type to check. * * @return {boolean} True if allowed. */ isFieldAllowedInColum( fieldType ) { return strings.not_allowed_fields.indexOf( fieldType ) < 0; }, /** * Filter the fields which are not allowed. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {boolean} isAllowed Whether the field is allowed. * @param {string} fieldType Field type to check. * @param {jQuery} $targetColumn Target column element. * * @return {boolean} True if allowed. */ filterIsFieldAllowedInColumn( isAllowed, fieldType, $targetColumn ) { // Skip if the field is not allowed OR the target is not a column, return the original value. if ( ! isAllowed || ! $targetColumn?.length || ! $targetColumn?.hasClass( 'wpforms-layout-column' ) ) { return isAllowed; } const $repeaterField = $targetColumn?.closest( '.wpforms-field-repeater' ); if ( ! $repeaterField?.length ) { return isAllowed; } return app.isFieldAllowedInColum( fieldType ); }, }; // Provide access to public functions/properties. return app; }( document, window, jQuery ) ); // Initialize. WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldRepeater.init(); 1.0https://icanflynow.comHogwarts Legacy - Overhyped? -rich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="SAyX2wQOHz"><a href="https://icanflynow.com/hogwarts-legacy-overhyped/">Hogwarts Legacy – Overhyped?</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="https://icanflynow.com/hogwarts-legacy-overhyped/embed/#?secret=SAyX2wQOHz" width="600" height="338" title="“Hogwarts Legacy – Overhyped?” — " data-secret="SAyX2wQOHz" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe><script> /*! 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Being a huge fan of the Harry Potter series, I was excited to finally be able to explore the magical world of Hogwarts in a new way. Despite the long wait and high expectations, […]